June 25, 2024

Public Update Notice to the Community

We are fully dedicated to the Kingstonian project and are excited that we can now move forward with the various development processes, financing, and construction. Much work has been put on hold due to multiple failed lawsuits, which have caused significant delays and altered the project’s economics.

Despite the setbacks and the impact of inflation, significant increases in interest rates, and higher construction costs, we are confident these challenges will stabilize to manageable levels, allowing the project to progress successfully. It is difficult to predict exactly when we will break ground given the current circumstances, but our commitment to completing the Kingstonian project remains unwavering.

We are thankful for the tremendous interest and support we continue to receive and ask that the community remain patient as we navigate the various steps ahead.

In addition, we would like to express a special appreciation to Mayor Noble, the City of Kingston, Ulster County Officials, and The Ulster County IDA for their ongoing support of this transformative project.

The Kingstonian Development Team